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void*    np_alloc(size_t bytes);
void*    np_alloc(size_t bytes, const char file[], int line);
void     np_free(void * ptr);

usage & test code

pros / cons


garbage collecting process from local thread pool to global pool


thread [28b0]: global pool created. pool=[2042de1a4b0]
malloc {
         random_multithread (500000) - 5.11385s
         random_singlethread (5000000) - 1.43155s
         small_multithread (500000) - 0.733916s
         small_singlethread (5000000) - 0.281047s
         big_multithread (500000) - 3.08501s
         big_singlethread (5000000) - 1.76247s
np_alloc {
         random_multithread (500000) - 1.2951s
         random_singlethread (5000000) - 0.229591s
         small_multithread (500000) - 0.681932s
         small_singlethread (5000000) - 0.0977364s
         big_multithread (500000) - 0.826968s
         big_singlethread (5000000) - 0.232066s
thread [3a84]: global pool destroying. pool=[2042de1a4b0]
[3a84] ~global_pool() this=[2042de1a4b0]
Press any key to continue . . .
_ random alloc(50-7100) small(50-300) big(5000-7500)
malloc 5.1139 s 0.7339 s 3.0850 s
np_alloc 1.2951 s 0.6819 s 0.8270 s
faster x 3.95 1.08 3.73
_ random alloc(50-7100) small(50-300) big(5000-7500)
malloc 1.4316 s 0.2810 s 1.7625 s
np_alloc 0.2296 s 0.0977 s 0.2321 s
faster x 6.24 2.88 7.59